Graduate Coursework in Data Science – University of Texas at Austin, 2022.
MA in Education with a concentration in Adult and Higher Education – The University of Texas at San Antonio, Aug. 1999.
BA in Mathematics (Minor in English) Summa Cum Laude – Our Lady of the Lake University, May 1994.
Activities and Honors Included:
- National Dean’s List every semester
- OLLU Full Presidential Scholarship
- Alpha Chi National Honor Society
- Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society
- Association for Women in Mathematics
- Kappa Gamma Pi Alumni Honor Society
- Mathematics & GRE Tutor
Recent Experience
Web Developer // University of Texas at Austin 2023 – 2024
- Provide product and application development resulting in the first custom branded WordPress Gutenberg Theme to be produced and used as a custom upstream at the university which was implemented and deployed to deliver department sites and marketing microsites more quickly and effectively
- Build, deploy and maintain a wide range of public-facing digital products including over 50 WordPress and Drupal in service to a variety of units across the university
- Guide the accessibility strategy to meet AA, AAA and 508 compliance
- Collaboratively implemented an Agile workflow to improve development roadmaps using GitHub and Asana
- Mentor, train and provide documentation for others to use, implement and further develop the custom WordPress them
Previous Experience
Learning Experience Information Architect // Southern New Hampshire University 2022-2023
- Contributed to the overall information design ecosystem, including conceptual modeling, visualization, and alignment across platforms and products
- Established best practices and structural guidelines for taxonomy and metadata definitions and management
- Worked collaboratively with vendors and stakeholders to implement, manage, and optimize content and metadata
- Aligned courses and competencies within Credential Engine to provide transparency and interoperability with other institutions and used Python (NumPy and Pandas) to integrate 1375 courses and 957 competencies into the system
Digital Technologies Librarian // Trinity University 2017-2022
- Provided meaningful and relevant online user experiences by developing and managing the library’s website and coordinating development and maintenance efforts across multiple platforms
- Supported librarians and teaching faculty with the use of emerging teaching technologies and other digitally based tools in support of digital scholarship
- Tracked user statistics using Google Analytics, surveys and other tools to evaluate effective user experience with online services, and marketing and outreach efforts
- Developed online guides, videos and other materials to support digital integration for student research
- Helped market and promote the library’s services, resources and space by designing and developing a variety of marketing, print, and online materials as well as coordinate events and communication
- Served as the Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science Library Liaison
- Served on various committees including the Mellon Steering Committee, Citation Taskforce Committee, New Student Orientation Planning Committee, Librarian Hiring Search Committee, and the Marketing and Outreach Team
- Supervised the Technology Coordinator and student workers
Consultant & Owner // EPoff Consulting 2002-2017
- Designed, developed and managed web projects from conception to launch for SaaS, eCommerce, B2B, and B2C industries
- Developed interactive online components, courseware and training videos
- Consulted with clients on market research, analytics, social media, site optimization, SEO, content and compliance
- Conducted market research and wrote articles for corporate needs and company websites
Vice President of Marketing & Internet Relations & Co-Owner // Select Realty, LLC 2014
- Responsible for online & offline marketing endeavors, social media strategies, data analysis, branding, web development, design, IDX integration, traffic growth, online lead generation & advertising campaigns for our three regional markets
- Served as the lead financial officer and guided the budgeting process
- Assisted with recruiting, hiring and training endeavors for new agents
Mathematics Instructor (adjunct) // St. Philip’s College 2001-2009
- Taught various developmental math classes and computer lab sessions to a mostly non-traditional adult audience
- Created syllabi, outlines, websites, course content, tests, test reviews, and handouts
- Provided one-on-one assistance for each student, including those with special developmental needs
- Used a variety of techniques to aid classroom learning including but not limited to direct instruction, cooperative learning, presentation, and principles from Adult Learning Theory
Senior Multimedia Specialist // St. Philip’s College 1998-2002
- Served as the College Web Administrator
- Designed and taught training sessions for faculty which included topics in instructional technologies, eLearning, LMS usage and best practices for technology integration
- Advised faculty with the development of online courses and enhanced learning components, and helped grow online offerings from 10 courses to over 80
- Evaluated and assisted with the implementation and training for several LMS systems
- Managed the college’s smart classrooms and IIC lab equipment
Rate Analyst // CPS Energy, San Antonio 1997-1998
- Designed, developed and maintained programs for data extraction, manipulation, and reports
- Worked cooperatively with consultants and other departments to aid in the development of a new rate structure for residential customers
- Worked with large data sets and used various tools to analyze information for reports
Coordinator of Measurement & Evaluation // Planning & Research Office, St. Philip’s College 1995-1997
- Managed district, college-wide and departmental research projects
- Coordinated annual college and departmental planning efforts
- Created various assessment surveys for district, college-wide and course specific needs and statistically analyzed surveys and other data projects using a variety of software including SAS
- Directed campus-wide planning and budgeting initiatives
Code & Software Skills
- JavaScript
- React
- Ruby
- R
- Python
- API Integration
- Node.js
- Vite
- Webpack
- Astro
- Jekyll
- Markdown
- Git/GitHub
- Docker
- VS Code
- Asana
- Jira
- Slack/Discord
- WordPress
- Tableau
- Omeka
- Google Analytics
- Microsoft Office
- Canva
- Camtasia/Captivate
- Qualtrics
- Adobe Creative Cloud
Additional Areas of Expertise
- Training
- Instructional Design
- Data Analytics
- Digital Strategy
- Project Management
- Research
- Leadership
- Web Design
Courses & Sessions Taught
College Courses - St. Philip's College (2001-2009)
Math 0300 – Basic Mathematics (3 Hour Lecture | 2 Hour Lab)
Topics included operations and powers of whole numbers, fractions, decimals and integers; ratio and proportion; percents; interpreting charts and graphs; and linear equations involving one operation.
Math 0310 – Fundamentals of Mathematics (3 Hour Lecture)
Topics included operations and powers of whole numbers, fractions, decimals and integers; ratio and proportion; percents; interpreting charts and graphs; scientific notation; and linear equations involving one operation.
Math 0302 – Elementary Algebra (3 Hour Lecture)
Topics included polynomials, integral exponents, factoring, rational expressions, linear equations and inequalities, graphs of linear equations and inequalities in two variables, solutions of quadratic equations, and rational expressions and equations.
Undergraduate Technology Instruction Sessions -Trinity University (2017-2022)
Synchronous Instruction
Creating Websites using WordPress, Google Sites and Omeka (for HIST 3391: StoryLab Course)
Conducted a three-hour guest seminar on tools used to create online exhibits and web research. A LibGuide was created for the course to provide additional support for students with their final projects.
Digitizing Research (for GNED 3321: Information, Identity, and Everyday Life)
Created a comprehensive LibGuide for the course’s digital project assignment. Guide includes resources for free tools to create video and animation, podcasts and screencasts, websites, games, comics and storytelling and mapping. Guide also included additional resources as well as an outline to plan a digital project. In-class session was also conducted via Zoom to give a basic overview and demo of tools available.
Omeka Workshop for the 2019 Summer Mellon Institute
Conducted an overview of the Omeka for faculty and students involved in the Summer Mellon Institute. Created the Omeka shell as well as demonstrate how to add items, pages, set metadata, and create interactive timelines and maps.
Podcasting using Audacity, GarageBand and Sound Cloud (for ENGL-4405 – Poetry& Gender)
The class included information on planning your podcast including equipment needs, scripts considerations, recording quality, and software. Students were introduced to the free open source software Audacity. The software was demonstrated and basic layout options were discussed. A LibGuide was also created to supplement the class and help for those that wanted to use GarageBand. A brief overview of Trello was also given as a way to organize resources, scripts, poems, timelines and other relevant materials. Students were also given a brief overview of SoundCloud and how to upload it to the system.
Using Omeka to Create Exhibits (for SPMT 3314 – History of American Sport)
Conducted an overview of the Omeka user interface for students creating exhibits for the sports management class. Demonstrated how to add items, set metadata, create an exhibit, and add web pages to the exhibit, and conducted a hands-on training workshop during the class.
Data Visualization Using Canva (for EDUC 1310 – Urban Education)
Conducted a classroom workshop to help students take their research for a specific urban education issue, and present it in visual form. The lesson included a lecture on best practices for presenting data visually and how to ensure data integrity and control for data bias. Students were then introduced to the program Canva and had a hands-on opportunity to sign up for an account, create teams, and use the interface to create their final research poster presentation.
Video Creation Using iMovie, Adobe Spark and Premiere (for ENGL-4405 – Poetry)
Created a video editing class and workshop which covered two weeks of classes (6 hours). The class included information on planning a video project including storyboarding and mood board creation. Students were also introduced to several editing programs including iMovie, Adobe Spark, PowToon, and Adobe Premiere. Students were given an overview of creative common licenses, royalty free and copyright rules. In-class training was provided and video tutorials on iMovie and Adobe Spark were also created to allow students to delve further into the programs and to have access to the content outside of class. An online gallery was created and featured on the library’s digital scholarship website.
GIS Using PolicyMap (for PLSI-3416 Urban Politics)
Taught a class to help students use PolicyMap to do research for an urban studies project. The lesson included a brief introduction to GIS, map presentation considerations, and an extensive overview of using PolicyMap and creating 3-Layer maps.
Asynchronous Instruction
Creating Websites with Google Sites (FYE 1600 – Monsters)
Created a complete walkthrough guide for students creating a collaborative website for the Monsters sections of the FYE 1600 class. Guide included a walkthrough video and a complete instructional guide which covered basic site setup, layout, page and navigation creation, group settings and publication basics.
Creating a Podcast and Website (SOCI 3391 – Social Justice)
Coordinated with the faculty member to provide comprehensive resources for students creating a podcast and website for a final class project. Resources included a complete guide for Google Sites, podcast best practices, editing tools overview, and uploading options.
Exploring Digital Humanities Tools (CSCI 3395/CSCI 3194 Special Topics: Digital Humanities)
Created a comprehensive class guide which included appropriate databases and open access journals. In addition to this, I did extensive research for a variety of tools and resources and compiled a list of repositories, directories and tools available for review and use.
Flipped Classroom Video Lessons – Various Classes (Information Literacy and Library Skills)
Worked with several liaison librarians to create online video tutorials for various topics including database research, finding a book in the library, using Academic One Search, understanding and using PolicyMap, transferring citations from Refworks to Zotero. Videos were created using Camtasia, iMovie and Premiere.
Business Online Training Videos - Inspired eLearning (2013-2016)
Created 35 training and support videos for the iLMS system which included a 10-minute walkthrough marketing video, 13 marketing overview videos, and 21 how-to videos. All videos were created using Captivate.
Faculty & Staff Development Courses - St. Philip's College (1999-2002)
Webmaster Certification Course in Person and Online (14 Hours of Classroom Training)
Courses included: Introduction to Web Page Development, Learning the Basics of FrontPage, Creating Images, Designing and Developing Web Pages, Creating a Department or Course Web Site, Updating and Maintaining a Web Site.
Using the Internet to Enhance Your Classroom (3 Hour Course)
Course designed to train faculty on how to integrate online resources into their classrooms.
Introduction to HTML (2 Hour Course)
Topics included basic HTML structure, tags and troubleshooting existing web page elements.
Intermediate Adobe Acrobat (2 Hour Course)
Topics included creating class notes and online forms, constructing active links, and converting & adding interactivity.
ADA Compliance (1 Hour Course + Online Resources)
Addressed district initiative which required all department and course websites to comply with federal web accessibility rules.
Microsoft Certified Webmaster Courses - TechNow (2000)
Microsoft FrontPage (36 Classroom Training Hours)
Topics included installing FrontPage, Microsoft Personal Web Server; and server extensions; adding content, images, tables, forms, and interactive components; using styles; converting Office documents; web site planning, web site design, testing and troubleshooting a web site; managing a web site; starting your own business; copyright laws.
Active Server Pages (36 Classroom Training Hours)
Topics included supporting ASP with Web Servers; understanding ASP Object Model Structure; using basic ASP techniques; understanding VB Script and Control Structure, databases and SQL; and connecting databases to ASP.
Microsoft Exam Preparation (16 Classroom Training Hours)
Topics included an overview of the entire class, test taking strategies and sample test questions.
Select Publications & Grants
Mellon Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Mentor Grant
- “Creating a Digital Gallery of the Library Mural“, Trinity University, Summer 2020.
Scholarly Contribution to Trinity University’s Digital Commons
- Usability Study of the Coates Library Website after Redevelopment Using Laptop and Mobile Devices (2019) – https://digitalcommons.trinity.edu/lib_faculty/101
Contributor to Solopreneur Marketing Magazine
- Five Free Online Cloud-Based Photoshop Alternatives (Oct-Dec 2015)
- Responsive Web Design Trumps Mobile Specific and Desktop Only Designs (Dec 2013)
Contributor to iControl, Inc. (2010)
- Scan-Based-Trading’s Ascendance: Changing the World of Magazine & Newspaper Distribution
- The Cure for the Parking Meter Headache – Paying by Phone
Published in Elementary School Journal (Peer-Reviewed)
- A Content Analysis of Vocabulary Instruction in Social Studies Textbooks for Grades 4-8 with Harmon, J. M., Hedrick, W. B. (Jan 2000)
Classroom Curriculum Training Manuals for TechNow, Inc. (2000)
- Activating Your Web Site with Client and Server Side Scripting
- Introduction to HTML
- FrontPage 2000
- “Creating Websites using WordPress, Google Sites and Omeka.” Guest Speaker, Story Labs, Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, November 2021.
- “Mentoring Undergraduate Researchers.” Panelist for the Mellon Initiative, Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, November 2020.
- “Designing Effective Research Assignments.” (co-presenter) New Faculty Workshop, Fall 2019 at the Collaborative for Learning and Teaching, Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, August 2019.
- “Organizing You and Your Research with Trello and Zotero.” Three Round-Table Discussions at the Experiential Learning Summit at Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, May 2019.
- “Changing with the Times – The Evolution of a Faculty and Staff Web Development Program.” Round-Table Discussion at Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education, Orlando, Florida, March 2001.
- “Developing and Using Web-based Classroom Support Materials Workshop: A Guide for Faculty.” (co-presenter) Pre-Conference Workshop at Fiesta of College Computing, St. Philip’s College, San Antonio, Texas April 1999 & September 2000.
- “Excellence in Teaching: A Professional Development Approach to Invigorate Faculty.” (co-presenter) Presentation at Innovations 2000, Orlando, Florida, February 2000.
- “Faculty Development.” Panelist at Fiesta of College Computing, St. Philip’s College, San Antonio, Texas, September 2000.
Memberships and Certifications
- Google Analytics Certified
- The Data Scientist’s Certificate of Distinction – Johns Hopkins (via Coursera)
- Microsoft Certified Professional
- eLearning Guild Member
- International Web Association Member
- Kappa Gamma Pi Member
- Alpha Chi National Honor Society Member